

What are Nut Allergies?
A nut allergy is an immune system response to protein found in nuts.
Allergic reactions to tree nuts are among the leading causes of fatal and near-fatal reactions to foods. Tree nuts include, but are not limited to, walnut, almond, hazelnut, cashew, pistachio, and Brazil nuts. These are not to be confused or grouped together with peanut, which is a legume, or seeds, such as sunflower or sesame.Most experts advise patients who have been diagnosed with an allergy to specific tree nuts to avoid all tree nuts. (from FAAN).

Can tree nut allergies be outgrown?
 In general, tree nut allergy has been considered a lifelong allergy. However, a recent article in The Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology suggests that approximately 9% of children with an allergy to tree nuts will outgrow their allergy, including children who have previously experienced a severe allergic reaction. In general, tree nut allergy has been considered a lifelong allergy. However, a recent article in The Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology suggests that approximately 9% of children with an allergy to tree nuts will outgrow their allergy, including children who have previously experienced a severe allergic reaction. (

What is the difference between treenuts and peanuts?
Tree nuts grow on trees and peanuts grow underground. Peanuts are actually a type of legume.

Can peanut allergies be outgrown?
Although once considered to be a lifelong allergy, recent studies indicate that up to 20% of children diagnosed with peanut allergy outgrow it (from FAAN).

How to read a label for nuts- a great resource from FAAN
How to read a label for peanuts- also from FAAN
Tree nut avoidance list- from
Peanut avoidance list- from

Nutfree Blogs

Checkout the organizations tab of this site for comprehensive nut allergy information

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