
Friday, July 27, 2012

Post Fast/Slow Eating

You've just gone through the physical and emotional exhaustion of Tisha B' Av.
You're ready to feel rejuvenated. Many of us serve bagels as the quintessential break fast food. Why eat food that will weigh you down? Make this break fast meal different with a nutritiously savvy, revitalizing meal.

The foods you break a fast with are critical to replenishing your body. It’s important that these foods be easily digestible and not tax your body. Foods that are are heavy and hard to digest, such as meat, bread, fried foods and whole-fat dairy products are poor choices. Instead, opt for foods that are light, nutrient dense, and easily digestible. Raw fruits and vegetables are great choices. Fruits high in water content like, watermelon, grapes, and honeydew, are ideal. High water content vegetables such as lettuce and cucumbers are smart post fast vegetables. Low–Gas producing, nutrient dense vegetables like kale, avocado, sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, and greens are also great choices. Choose easily digestible proteins like eggs for this meal (*egg allergic-try string beans, peas, lentils, or sprouts) Try not to sprinkle salt on those eggs. Limiting salt after a fast, while you’re trying to rehydrate, is important.

Don't forget it's not just what you eat, but how you eat. Some people overeat at this post fast meal to compensate for the day's restrictions. Don't fall into this trap. Be kind to your body and eat slowly. Savor each bite and give those digestive enzymes a chance to do their job! Remember to replenish the fluids lost through fasting by drinking Convinced yet to ditch your usual high carb, high fat post fast meal yet? Even if you’re not, you can still incorporate some of the ideas from this post to make your meal reJEWvenating!

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