
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sukkah Soups

 Chag Sameach from Kosherfoodallergies!!!

Nothing like a hot soup on a chilly night in the sukkah.
I have a no-fail Butternut squash soup recipe that's super easy and always gets rave reviews:(2 imagine butternut squash soups, 1 package frozen birdseye southland cooked squash, dash of curry).
It doesn't get easier than that!

Here's a collection of other festive allergy friendly soup recipes
Carrot Parsnip Soup-
Cauliflower Soup- (*kosher law requires cauliflower be checked for insects)
Curried Lentil Soup-
Zucchini Soup-

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Food Allergies and Asthma

Our last physician interview on kosherfoodallergies focused on atopic dermatitis (eczema).
Interestingly there is a connection between food allergies, atopic dermatitis, and asthma.

Kosher with Food Allergies Interview Series
Interview #5- Food Allergies and Asthma , Dr. Jon Stahlman
How many people have food allergies?  How many people have asthma?  How many people have both?
According to a 2011 study published in the Journal Pediatrics food allergy ranges from 6-9% of individuals in the U.S. in the first 18 years of life.  The World Allergy Organization reports that globally the incidence of food allergy anywhere from 220-520 million people.  The most common allergy appears to be peanut followed by milk then shellfish.  The Centers for Disease Control reports 1 in 10 children in the U.S. has asthma and 1 in 12 adults.  This represents over 25 million people in the United States.  The World Heath Organization (WHO) estimates over 235 million people world wide suffer from some form of asthma.
The picture of how many people truly have both food allergy and asthma depends somewhat on the severity of the food allergy and asthma.  The CDC has reported up to a third of patients with food allergies have asthma.  However those high numbers may represent the more severe patients.  That is the more severe both your food allergy and or your asthma the more likely you could have both conditions.

If you have food allergies does that mean you will develop asthma?
Researchers have worked very hard to try and predict which individuals will develop asthma after they are born.  Past studies have shown one of the greatest risk factors for asthma has been the presence of atopic dermatitis (eczema).  Asthma Predictive Indexes are now used to study which patients are more likely to develop chronic asthma.  In addition to eczema having a parent with asthma or being sensitized to environmental allergens put patients at risk.  Having an allergy to milk, egg or peanuts is a predictor for asthma too, but not quite as strong.  It seems other markers such as blood allergy cell levels (eosinophils) or wheezing without viruses may help us predict who will develop asthma.  Food allergy is just one piece of the puzzle.

Should people with asthma avoid certain foods?
The important point for patients with asthma is to eat a healthy well rounded diet.  Avoiding common food allergens is only important if a person is known to be allergic to that food.  This may be difficult in young patients who have severe eczema just broadening their diet to include certain foods or who already may be allergic to one or two foods.  In these cases a visit with their pediatrician or a board certified allergist may be helpful.  For a small group of patients sulfites (preservatives found in dried fruit, vinegar, alcohol and sometimes on salad bars) may trigger asthma and should be avoided.  Researchers are also looking at the importance of including enough vitamin D (along with a healthy amount of sunlight) in patients not only asthma but other allergic diseases because it may help prevent or lessen some symptoms.

What is the role of allergy immunotherapy (shots or drops) in food allergies and asthma?
Allergy immunotherapy (using shots) has been shown to improve both nasal allergies and asthma.  Patients can improve not only their asthma control but their quality of life a good deal.  This is a reasonable alternative for patients with allergic asthma who do not respond to standard therapy with medications.  Unfortunately allergy shots have not proven safe or effective for food allergies.  An alternative to shots are allergy drops (also known as sublingual immunontherapy).  Allergy drops are still being studied in the U.S. for nasal allergies but have been used in Europe for over 20 years.  Currently sublingual immunotherapy is being studied closely by several groups in the U.S. for allergies to peanuts, milk and egg and has shown some potential to help patients.  As there are still associated risks such as severe allergic reactions this treatment is only being performed at research centers where patients are monitored very carefully.r drops) in food allergies and asthma?

Dr. Jon E. Stahlman received his B.S. and M.D. degrees at Emory University. He subsequently completed his pediatric residency at Children's Hospital in Boston and his fellowship in Allergy and Clinical Immunology at Harvard University's Children's Hospital/Brigham and Woman's Hospital. After his training, Dr. Stahlman completed two years of clinical research at Boston Children's Hospital. His research interests included steroid dependent asthma as well as the use of computerized monitoring of lung function. 
Dr. Stahlman is Board Certified and recertified in Allergy and Clinical Immunology and Pediatrics. He also became a Certified Clinical Research Investigator in 2003.  He is currently the president of The Georgia Allergy Society and Section Chief of the Division of Allergy & Immunology at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Scottish Rite Campus.  He is the Senior Partner at The Allergy & Asthma Center of Atlanta, Lawrenceville and Conyers Georgia.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Post Yom Kippur Meal

You've just gone through the exhilarating davening of Yom Kippur. You felt angelic but now you need to eat. Give some thought into this meal to carry to keep that angelic feeling.
*See previous post for Pre-Yom Kippur suggestions

During a fast, your body breaks down muscle and converts it into energy. The space
within your intestines shrinks since there is no food passing through. The foods you break
a fast with are critical to replenishing your body. It’s important that these foods be easily
digestible and not tax your body. Break  your fast slowly with foods that are easily digestible to avoid gastrointestinal problems. Foods that are are heavy and hard to digest, such as meat, bread, fried foods and whole-fat dairy products are poor choices. Instead, opt for foods that are light and easily digestible.

Your post fast meal should be nutrient dense and easily digestible. Raw fruits and
vegetables are great choices. Fruits high in water content like, watermelon, grapes, and
honeydew, are ideal. Citrus fruits, on the other hand, maybe too acidic right after a fast.
High water content vegetables such as lettuce and cucumbers are smart post fast
vegetables. Low–Gas producing, nutritiously dense vegetables like kale, avocado, sprouts,
cauliflower, spinach, and greens are also great choices.

An easily digestible source of protein is eggs. Serving a dairy free quiche (loaded with
non-gassy vegetables) is a great choice. If a quiche is more prep than you’re up for on a
fast day, how about a simple cheeseless omelet, scrambled eggs, or even hard boiled
eggs. Try not to sprinkle salt on those eggs. Avoiding salt after a fast, while you’re trying
to rehydrate, is important.

Don't forget it's not just what you eat, but how you eat. Some people overeat at this post
fast meal to compensate for the day's restrictions. Don't fall into this trap. Be kind to your
body and eat slowly. Savor each bite and give those digestive enzymes a chance to do
their job! Remember to replenish the fluids lost through fasting by drinking (preferably
non-carbonated drinks).

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pre- Yom Kippur

Pre-Yom Kippur Eating (Yom Kippur begins sundown on Tues.)
Did you know that eating before Yom Kippur is actually a mitzvah? What you eat and drink before the fast can really impact how well you fast. Make this meal festive and effective. Chicken is a better choice than red meat. Chicken soup with noodles (and not too much salt) is perfect. Sides should be carb heavy.Focus on carbs not protein and lots of water. Hydration and long term energy storage are the name of the game. Eat wisely, but don't overeat. We want to tip the heavenly scales (not the earthly ones)!
Pre-Fast tips:
1- check local time the fast begins (don't let this be a surprise, rushed "quicky" meal)
2- avoid caffeine and salt (or at least reduce)
3- avoid the temptation to overeat at this meal (indigestion will not make the fast easier)
4- hydrate- drink plenty of water and other non-caffeinated beverages
5- make the meal carb heavy *gluten free carbs - sweet potato, brown rice,alternative pastas,alternative breads
6- include fresh fruits and vegetables that are packed with water (ex cucumbers, watermelons)
Pre-Fast Meal Ideas:
rolls (whole wheat, or gluten free versions- see below)
pasta salad (sesame noodles, couscous salad, tabouleh, quinoa salads)
baked potatoes (sweet potatoes even better)
brown Rice
cut vegetables(lots of cucumbers) with dips (not too salty)
plenty of cold drinks (water, juices)
carb heavy dessert (nothing fried though)
Wishing you and yours a meaningful (and manageable) Yom Kippur!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Reflections from a Food Allergy Kid

My 11 year old son wanted to share his food allergy story with other kids.
He has outgrown his eczema (and some of his food allergies).
     When I was little I didn't eat Matzah on Pesach or eat cookies or cake from a bakery, ever. Even after I became less allergic I still had bad eczema from wheat. If you don't know what eczema is, you don't really want to know. It is very, very itchy. The more you scratch, the worse it gets. I remember lots of creams (some of them stinky) and always aquaphor after my bath.
     My next memory is when my kid-jealousy started to kick in. I was in 1st grade when I saw all my friends having pizza, cookies, snacks with wheat, and I wasn't! That was hard.Luckily, I have a very smart mother and she found and made tons of wheat free products. For instance, on Shabbos instead of challah I would have rice bread, instead of wheat desserts I would have non-wheat yummy non-dairy home-made ice-creams, so basically my mother found tons of replacements for what the other kids were eating.  
     I'm 11 now and finally I've outgrown my allergies to wheat, eggs, and peanuts. I don't have eczema either, phew. I'm still very allergic to tree nuts and kiwi.  My advice to other kids with food allergies is:  always make sure what you're eating is safe and if your mother gives you weird looking safe food, try it.  
kosherfoodallergies is accepting submissions from your food allergy kid
would they like to see their story in print?  Share your child's story in the comments section below.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Food Allergies and Eczema

Today's interview highlights a topic that's near and dear to my heart, atopic dermatitis.
My own experience with our food allergic children has shown a direct correlation between food allergies and atopic dermatitis (eczema). Read more about this condition that can be associated with food allergies.

Kosher with Food Allergies Interview Series
Interview #4- Food Allergies and Eczema , Dr. Jonathan Spergel
1- What is the connection between food allergies and eczema?
Many parents believe that food allergies can cause eczema or atopic dermatitis.
There are two types of reaction to foods in atopic dermatitis: foods causing
hives or foods worsening the atopic dermatitis. About 40% of the children with
moderate to severe atopic dermatitis have foods inducing their eczema. For the
children with mild disease, only 5% of the children have the atopic dermatitis
induced by foods. It is also important to remember that 10-30% of the children
with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis will have hives or anaphylaxis to the
food. However, over 70% of the children will have positive skin test or blood test
to foods. But, these results may not be clinical significant. For example, you may
be positive to wheat on a blood or skin test, but you could tolerate wheat without
any symptoms. The reason is that you have seasonal allergies and wheat skin test
is cross-reacting to grass pollen.

2- Is there a distinction between infant/childhood and adult eczema with regard
to food allergies?
It is very unusual for foods to induce adult eczema. Foods can induce infant
eczema, particular when it is severe. But, it is still less than 40% of the children
with severe eczema.

3- How does someone figure out if their eczema is caused by food allergies?
To determine if a food induces atopic dermatitis, there are two typical steps.
The first step is allergy testing by either blood or skin testing. If the testing
is negative, there is less than 5% chance that the foods are inducing atopic
dermatitis. If the test is positive, then a physician supervised food challenge
should be preformed. These challenges are usually done by an allergist. In a
food challenge, foods are given in a step-wise manner starting with a low dose
and gradually increasing. The physician monitors for symptoms and possibly
worsening of the atopic dermatitis.

4- What are effective treatments for eczema?
The basic therapy for eczema or atopic dermatitis is good skin care. It is
important to use moisturizers on a daily basis. For area of inflammation or
redness, the standard therapy is topical corticosteroids or other anti-inflammatory
medications. Individual therapies can vary depending on the triggers, severity of
the eczema and other factors.

Dr. Jonathan Spergel, MD- PhD
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Chief, Allergy Section
Co-director, Center for Pediatric Eosinophilic Disorders
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Education: MD - Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
                         PhD in Biomedical Sciences - Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
Internship- Pediatrics- Yale, New Haven Hospital- CT
ResidencyPediatrics - Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT
FellowshipAllergy and Immunology - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA
Board Certification- Pediatrics, Allergy and Immunology
Special Interests- All areas of allergy, especially asthma, food allergy, eosinophilic esophogitis and atopic dermatitis

    Friday, September 14, 2012

    Rosh Hashana Wishes

    Wanted to share a short, inspiring Rosh Hashana video that begs the question, "Are we maximizing our potential?" May we all be able to answer the question in the affirmative and be inscribed and sealed into the book of life!

    From the kosherfoodallergies family to you
    "A Shana Tova U'Metuka"

    Wednesday, September 12, 2012

    Rosh Hashana Tip #4- Simanim

    The countdown to Rosh Hashana has begun. Preparations can seem overwhelming but strategic planning can make this time period more productive and less anxiety-ridden. This week I'll be featuring time saving tips to get you out of the kitchen and on to your life.
    On Rosh Hashana Night there's a tradition to eat symbolic foods (simanim) that capture our aspirations for the New Year. While you're preparing for Rosh Hashana don't forget to have plenty of "simanim" available. The simplest way  is to serve all of the foods in their raw state on a large platter. The vibrant colors of the fruits and vegetables make a striking presentation. I like to serve a platter with some of these foods as well as make foods for the meal that incorporate the simanim (like squash stir fry or carrot salad). While you're in the produce section picking up dates, pomegranates, apples, carrots, beets, cabbage, and leeks don't forget a new "shehecheyanu" fruit as well. Go for it, try those exotic looking fruits that you can't even name! Stop by your kosher fish vendor as well (both fish and fish heads are simanim). You can even make up your own simanim like (lettuce, 1/2 a raisin, celery "let us have a raise in salary"). It can't hurt!
    *For more great (allergy-friendly)ways to incorporate the simanim into your Rosh Hashana  order "A Taste of Sweetness" downloadable cookbook today (delivered to your inbox instantly). 
    To learn more about simanim and other Rosh Hashana customs read ABC's of Rosh Hashana

    Tuesday, September 11, 2012

    Rosh Hashana Tip #3- Knock off the easy items first

    The countdown to Rosh Hashana has begun. Preparations can seem overwhelming but strategic planning can make this time period more productive and less anxiety-ridden. This week I'll be featuring time saving tips to get you out of the kitchen and on to your life. 
    So this tip is totally subjective (I guess the others are as well). Hopefully they're helpful to some of you.
    I happen to like to get the easy stuff done first and deal with the tougher stuff (that requires more time) later.
    When I'm up to the more complicated tasks I've gotten a lot of other boxes checked already.
    This is different than procrastinating (when you leave everything for later).

    Leave the more complicated recipes for last (you won't find any in my cookbook).
    If you have time for them, great. If not, make a simpler version (in most cases people will never know the difference).
    Need short-cut  and allergy friendly Rosh Hashana Recipes?
    Order "A Taste of Sweetness" downloadable cookbook today
    (no wait, delivered to your inbox instantly)

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    Rosh Hashana Tip #2- Cook and Freeze Ahead

    The countdown to Rosh Hashana has begun. Preparations can seem overwhelming but strategic planning can make this time period more productive and less anxiety-ridden. This week I'll be featuring time saving tips to get you out of the kitchen and on to your life.
    Rosh Hashana is next week but it's not too early to cook. You've made your menus, now roll up your sleeves and start cooking. Let your kids help. There's plenty (even little ones) can do. They can peel vegetables, take ingredients out,mix ingredients etc...Afraid to freeze ahead, DON'T BE!
    Most food can bee cooked and frozen (with the exceptions of fresh fruits and salads).
    The secret to food not getting freezer burned is wrapping the food tightly (with multiple layers of foil if possible)and not storing it for more than 2 months. Don't forget to label everything with a sharpie before freezing (writing on on frozen aluminum foil is a lot trickier).

    Need allergy friendly Rosh Hashana Recipes?
    Order "A Taste of Sweetness" downloadable cookbook today
    (no wait, delivered to your inbox instantly)

    Rosh Hashana Tips- #1-Plan Menu, Generate lists

    The countdown to Rosh Hashana has begun. Preparations can seem overwhelming but strategic planning can make this time period more productive and less anxiety-ridden. This week I'll be featuring time saving tips to get you out of the kitchen and on to your life.

    Tip #1- Plan your Menus, Generate Shopping Lists, Start Shopping
    - Plan all of your Rosh Hashana meals (keeping simanim- symbolic foods in mind)
    - Try to plan further out as well (Pre Yom Kippur and Sukkos Meals) having your menus planned out enables you to shop more efficiently (take advantage of sales and bulk        
    orders in advance) and cook in advance
    -Generate shopping lists from your menus
    -Shop around for the best prices and go through that list
    (meat order, paper goods, grape/juice wine etc....)
    try to order by the case if you anticipate using a lot of something

    Rosh Hashana Menu Inspiration
    check the archives of this site
    order "A Taste of Sweetness" Rosh Hashana Recipes Rosh Hashana Recipes Rosh Hashana Recipes

    *many recipes can be adapted to allergy friendly versions.
    Check out the egg and wheat  pages of this blog for substitution ideas.

    Saturday, September 8, 2012

    Rosh Hashana Giveaway- Last Chance

    *Sunday at Midnight this Raffle Ends.
    Don't be left out. Your chance of winning is excellent!

    Judaica Giveaway

    This superb non-tarnish item designed by artist Adi Sidler will surely dress up any Rosh Hashanah table. In the center of the silvery pomegranate-shaped brushed aluminum base is a skillfully laser-cut hole containing the durable glass honey dish. Flanking the dish are the words rimon (Hebrew for pomegranate) and pomegranate etched in fancy script. Made in Israel.

    Time for another Giveaway. With Rosh Hashana approaching, who couldn't use a beautiful piece of Judaica to enhance their Yom Tov? One lucky winner will have a choice of receiving this beautiful silvery pomegranate honey dish (featured above) or a $50 gift certificate to Judaica-Mall.
    This Giveaway is sponsored by They have an extensive selection of special Judaica items.
    Whether your looking to expand your own collection of Holiday pieces or searching for the perfect gift, Judaica-Mall has got it all! 

    Rosh Hashanah Holiday Kit              pomegranates Honey Dish              Traditional Half Polished Shofar      
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    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    Rosh Hashanah Recipes- Round Challah

    All this week kosherfoodallergies will be featuring allergy- friendly Rosh Hashana recipes
     For more great recipes order "A Taste of Sweetness"- Rosh Hashana Food Allergy Cookbook  

    Round Challah (from "A Taste of Sweetness")
    Traditional challah recipes include eggs. My recipe is eggless but still very traditional.
    Challahs are typically braided into loaves but for Rosh Hashana we make round ones.
    There are different explanations for this custom such as the round shape represents a crown (Rosh Hashana is when we coronate G-d as our king. Another reason is that the round shape alludes to the cycles of the year. Additionally we dip the challah in honey for an extra measure of sweetness in our year. For other insights into the tradition of round challahs read this article by Aliza Bulow.
    5 Tbsp dry active yeast (like Fleishman's- I use the Sam's Club industrial size ones not rapid rise)
    2 heaping cups sugar (a little extra for sweetness for yom tov)
    5 1/2 cups very warm water
    1 T vanilla extract
    1 t of salt
    1 3/4 cups canola oil
    5 lbs bread flour ( I like Gold Medal Better for Bread in orange bag)

    In a large bowl, mix first 3 ingredients till foamy. Gradually add flour and mix with spoon. When dough becomes very thick start kneading by hand till dough is consistent and smooth and not too sticky.
    Separate dough with a blessing (for a beautiful explanation of this read article by Rbtzn. Tzipporah Heller. Shape into round forms (how to make a round challah video) and let rise for about 30 minutes
    variations: add raisins and/or cinnamonBake at 350 for 30 minutes
    yield: 5 medium round challos
    Gluten Free Version- Gluten Free Canteen has a fabulous gluten free challah recipe

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    *Giveaway in progress...
    enter by facebook or email (click on "use your email" in the widget below)    

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Wednesday, September 5, 2012

    Rosh Hashanah Recipes- Cabbage Cucumber Apple Slaw

    All this week kosherfoodallergies will be featuring allergy- friendly Rosh Hashana recipes
     For more great recipes order "A Taste of Sweetness"- Rosh Hashana Food Allergy Cookbook 

    Cabbage Cucumber Apple Slaw (from
    What a fantastic way to combine 2 Rosh Hashana simanim (apples and cabbage). This cool looking (and tasting) salad is a refreshing side for a big yom meal. Go ahead, lighten things up with this healthy and allergy friendly salad.
    1 small head cabbage or nappa, shredded thin (slicing disk)
    4 ribs celery, peeled and grated (slicing disk)
    1 seedless cucumber, grated coarse (shredding disk)
    2 Granny Smith (green) apples, unpeeled, cored, and grated coarse (shredding disk)
    1 bunch scallions, sliced very thin
    1 bunch dill, minced (chopping blade)
    ½ cup olive oil
    ¼ cup unfiltered apple cider vinegar (health food stores)
    2 tablespoons prepared white horseradish, or 2 tablespoons wasabi diluted in a little
    cold water
    Salt and white pepper to taste
    2 tablespoons sugar
    Place all the vegetables in a mixing bowl. Mix the dressing ingredients thoroughly and pour over the mixture. Toss gently so as not to extract moisture. Store refrigerated in glass jars. Makes about 2 quarts. Serve at room temperature.

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    *Giveaway in progress...
    enter by facebook or email (click on "use your email" in the widget below)   

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Tuesday, September 4, 2012

    Rosh Hashana Recipes-London Broil

    All this week kosherfoodallergies will be featuring allergy- friendly Rosh Hashana recipes
     For more great recipes order "A Taste of Sweetness"- Rosh Hashana Food Allergy Cookbook

    London Broil (Tamar Warga)
    This festive meat dish is so easy to prepare (put it in the crockpot and go about your day).
    Easy to make but oh so sophisticated. Balsamic vinegar, apricot jam, onion, and garlic fuse to create a mouthwatering result. This recipe is (gluten free, egg free, nut free) but full of flavor!
    3lbs London Broil
    1 jar apricot jam (12.75 oz)
    1 large onion (sliced)
    garlic powder
    1/3 cup balsamic vinegar

    Set large crockpot to high. Place sliced onions on the bottom of crockpot. Place london broil over the onions.  In a separate bowl combine apricot jam and balsamic vinegar. Pour this mixture over the london broil. Shake some garlic powder over the meat and cover with crockpot lid. Let the meat cook for 1.5 hrs on high (don't overdo it bc meat will shrink).  Three 1 pound cuts of london broil will work well (just rotate the pieces of meat occasionally to assure even cooking)Slice and serve (or freeze for later). Pour gravy over the slices.

    *Giveaway in progress...
    enter by facebook or email (click on "use email" in the widget below)  
    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Monday, September 3, 2012

    Rosh Hashanah Recipes-Coconut Date Balls

    All this week kosherfoodallergies will be featuring allergy- friendly Rosh Hashana recipes
     For more great recipes order "A Taste of Sweetness"- Rosh Hashana Food Allergy Cookbook

    Coconut Date Balls (from
    A delicious (gluten and nut free) Rosh Hashana treat that incorporates dates (a symbolic Rosh Hashana food) has a variety of  incredible, festive recipes. Many can be adapted for food allergies (like their allergy friendly Rosh Hashana salad- that includes mesclun greens,pomegranate seeds, apples, and toasted pumpkin seeds). 
    2 eggs, beaten
    1 cup sugar
    1 cup chopped dates
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1 tablespoon margarine
    3 cups Rice Krispies
    1 cup shredded coconut

    In a medium-sized saucepan over medium heat, combine the eggs, sugar and dates. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat slightly and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the margarine and vanilla. Mix in the Rice Krispies. Grease or wet hands with cold water and form the mixture into walnut-sized balls. Roll in coconut. Store in the refrigerator.
    Giveaway in progress...
    enter by facebook or email (see below) 

    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    Rosh Hashanah Recipes- Carrot/Parsnip Soup

    All this week kosherfoodallergies will be featuring allergy- friendly Rosh Hashana recipes
    For more great recipes order "A Taste of Sweetness"- Rosh Hashana Food Allergy Cookbook

    A perfect rosh hashana appetizer that incorporates carrots (a symbolic rosh hashana food).Nothing  like a hot, fragrant soup to take the chill out of a cool Fall evening.  
    Carrot and Parsnip Soup (from Hip Kosher)
    2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
    1 large onion, chopped
    2 medium garlic cloves, minced
    1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger
    1/2 pound carrots, peeled and chopped
    1/2 pound parsnips, peeled and chopped
    1 teaspoon ground cumin
    3/4 teaspoon ground coriander
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
    4 cups vegetable stock or chicken stock
    one cup water

    Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook for 2–3 minutes or until softened. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for another minute. Add the carrots, parsnips, cumin, coriander, and some salt and pepper to taste. Cook for another minute, stirring ingredients. Add the stock and one cup water, bring to a simmer and cook, partially covered, about 25 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Puree the soup and return it to the pan to reheat. Makes 4–6 servings.

    Thank- You to Ronnie Fein for sharing this delicious recipe.
    Checkout her other amazing recipes in Hip Kosher

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