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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Eggless Cinnamon Challah Recipe

What do you get when you combine great eggless challah dough with a touch of cinnamon sugar?A sweet,warm, aromatic, challah with ribbons of cinnamon swirled through.
Prepare Basic Eggless Challah dough (kosherfoodallergies eggless challah recipe)
After preparing the challah dough in a large bowl  and ritual separating of dough, set a small bowl aside for cinnamon sugar mixture. Combine 2/3 cup of sugar with 3T of cinnamon(see shaping instructions below).  Let rise for 15 minutes. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

make 3 oval patties w cinnamon sugar on top

pinch the ovals closed and form ropes

braid ropes

Special Thanks to my friend Sandy for the "how to" pics.  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Allerbling Giveaway

Time for another Giveaway
This one is ideal for a kids with food allergies. Allerbling wristbands are unique medical ID bracelets. They're fully customizable to your child's allergies, provide a visual reminder to others, and best of all are kid friendly. Allerbling bracelets are actually so cute kids want to wear them.
The Giveaway:
Allerbling is giving away a full Allerbling kit which includes: 1 small and 1 large band, 8 food allergy charms, and 1 medical cross charm. Winner will have kit shipped for free to their domestic US address.
Enter on Rafflecopter below: (must 18 or over, mainland US citizen, 1 entry per household)
Raffle ends Midnight Feb. 10

Help Spread The Word
Know a child with food allergies?email this link or share it on social media.
Thanks for getting the word out!

Need help entering? email me for assistance-

What is Rafflecopter's Privacy Policy? 
The folks at Rafflecopter are serious about privacy.
Rafflecopter doesn't sell or giveaway emails to 3rd parties ever so enter with confidence!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tu B'Shvat Vigilance

The almond tree is the first type of fruit tree in Israel to blossom.
First to rise while other trees are still dormant it is aptly called "Shaked" in Hebrew
(wakeful, diligent, alert). This Tu B'Shvat (Jewish New Year of the Trees), be alert to possible festive allergens. 
Customary Tu B'Shvat foods are fruits from the Seven Species (such as dates,grapes, figs, and pomegranates). Additionally, many have the custom to eat a new fruit that has not been tasted yet that season. When trying new foods be watchful like the Shaked for allergy symptoms!

Wishing you a Fruitful and Healthy Tu B'Shvat !

Tu B'Shvat Recipes

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe- Allergy Friendly

Yearning for a cookie recipe with easy to find ingredients that will satisfy even your non allergic family and friends? Looking for delicious chocolate chip cookies that are soyfree, dairy free, nut free, and eggless? Your search has ended!

Using canola oil instead of margarine and eggs, and throwing in a generous helping of soyfree chocolate chips is the secret. Passover chocolate chips and Enjoy life chocolate chunks are 2 great choices for soyfree, non-dairy chocolate chips. Ordinary chocolate chips typically have soy lecithin .

2 1/2 c all purpose flour
1t baking soda
1.5 t baking powder (leavening agent that replaces eggs)
pinch of salt
1 cup of canola oil (plus 3 additional tablespoons)
2T hot water
1 packed cup light brown sugar
3/4 cup white sugar (or a little less)
1t vanilla extract
10 oz chocolate chips (soy free, dairy free, nut free)

Preheat oven to 360.
Combine wet ingredients and then dry ingredients. Stir in chocolate chips. Form dough into small cookie patties. *Dough should form into a patty and feel quite moist to the touch. If dough is too crumbly add a little warm water and/or canola oil till desired consistency is reached. Place patties on a lightly oiled/greased baking sheet (don't use baking sprays that have soy lecithin like PAM).Leave room for spreading between the cookies.Bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown.

yield: 3 dozen delicious allergy friendly cookies

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ask The Rabbi- Infant Formula Without Certification

Kosher Food Allergies
Special Feature: Ask The Rabbi

Rabbi Dovid Cohen
Rabbinic Administrator cRc Kosher

Infant Formula Without Certification 

Question:    My pediatrician told me that my baby needs a specialized infant formula but I see that it does not have kosher certification.  Can I use it anyhow?

Answer: Most of the infant formula produced in the United States is kosher certified and does not pose any concern to kosher consumers.  There are even plenty of kosher options for children who cannot tolerate standard formula. However, there is one type of infant formula whose status is a bit more complicated.  This formula – which is sold under the names “Nutramigen” or “Alimentum” – includes an enzyme derived from pigs and this enzyme helps pre-digest certain proteins to make the formula tolerable for certain children.  Pigs are not kosher and clearly a formula that contains pig byproducts cannot be certified as kosher.  Nonetheless, but due to the relatively small amount of non-kosher mixed into the formula Jewish Law allows children to consume the formula.  [These formulas are produced at companies where all of the other ingredients are certified as kosher.]
Another specialized infant formula which does not bare a kosher symbol is called “Elecare”.  This product doesn't contain any non-kosher ingredients and is certified by the OU (Orthodox Union). While OU certified, Elecare doesn't bare an OU logo on the package. Read why here Lastly, there is Neocate, an infant formula for children with severe food allergies.  It is not kosher-certified but Rabbis from different kosher agencies have visited the factory and are in contact with the company to assure that all ingredients used are kosher.

Do you have a question for Rabbi  Cohen?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New -"Ask The Rabbi" Feature

Kosher Food Allergies is excited to announce
a new feature: "Ask The Rabbi"
Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Administrative Rabbinic Coordinator of cRc Kosher (Chicago Rabbinical Council), will answer kashruth questions unique to people dealing with food allergies.
Do you have a question for Rabbi  Cohen?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Court : Food Allergies Protected by Disabilities Act

An Iowa Court of appeals just ruled that Food Allergies are protected by The Federal Americans With Disabilities Act. The Americans With Disabilities Act defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that "substantially limits one or more major life activities." In 2008, this definition was expanded to include "any condition that is episodic or in remission that would limit a major life activity when active."
The case involved a daycare facility's refusal to accept a child with a tree nut allergy. Tiger Tots Community Care Child Center objected to Knudsen's requirement that her child, in case of an allergic reaction, be transported by staff just outside of city limits to meet an emergency medical helicopter for evacuation. Tiger Tots can appeal this decision to the Iowa Supreme Court. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Free Webinar - Raising Kids with Food Allergies

presented by Kidswithfoodallergies
@ 2pm (Eastern), 11am (Pacific)
Sign Up to Join Our Free Online Class
Sign Up here
About Linda Coss

Severe Egg Allergy- Flu Shot

Recommendations for administering flu vaccine to very high-risk patients who are egg allergic  
source: American College of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology (ACAAI)

  • patients should be skin tested to flu vaccine
  • if positive skin test- severity of egg allergy reaction, and risk/benefits of flu shot should be   evaluated
  • if vaccine is warranted shot can be administered in allergist's office (can administer emergency treatment if necessary)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Flu Vaccine- Egg Allergy

New recommendations from CDC
for 2012/2013

Vaccination of People with Egg Allergy

"For the 2012-2013 season, there is a more permissive influenza vaccination recommendation for persons with egg allergies. Based on a thorough review of several recent studies, administration of both full doses and split doses of TIV have been tolerated by people with egg allergies, without serious reactions. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that for the 2012-2013 influenza season, people who have experienced only hives from consuming eggs can receive TIV intramuscularly as long as they are treated by a health care provider who is familiar with the potential manifestations of egg allergies and can be observed by a health care professional for at least 30 minutes after receiving each dose. The 2012 ACIP recommendations has an algorithm to help guide clinician decision-making regarding vaccination of people with egg allergy. Additional information about vaccinating people with egg allergy is available in the 2012 ACIP recommendations. LAIV should not be used in these patients."

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Today's Food Allergy expert, Dr. Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, discusses a different manifestation of food allergies called F.P.I.E.S.

Kosher with Food Allergies Interview Series
Interview #6 Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome, Dr. Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn

What is FPIES?
Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a non-IgE-mediated food allergy manifesting with gastrointestinal symptoms in young infants with an onset in the first year of life. It is presumed that in FPIES, T lymphocytes in the gut recognize foods and elaborate many chemicals that lead to FPIES symptoms. Rarely, FPIES may start at an older age, to foods such as fish and shellfish, particularly mollusks (scallop).

How is FPIES different from food allergies?
There are several critical differences:
1. FPIES symptoms are usually delayed [onset within 1-3 hours] compared to classic, anaphylactic
food allergies [onset within minutes to 1 hour], following food ingestion.
2. There are never skin or breathing symptoms in acute [sudden onset] FPIES.
3. Allergy tests, prick skin tests and serum food-specific IgE levels are negative.
4. Management of acute FPIES episodes relies on rehydration [usually via a line inserted into
a vein in an arm, in mild cases, orally] and a single dose of a steroid given through the vein.
Epinephrine, antihistamines, and inhaled asthma medications are not helpful.
5. Unlike classic food allergies, rice and oat are among the most common foods causing FPIES,
in addition to cow milk, soybean, fruits and vegetables, and fish. In contrast, FPIES to wheat
and egg is uncommon, unlike in classic food allergy.

What are symptoms of FPIES
When food is eaten infrequently, FPIES presents acutely as severe, projectile and repeated vomiting [up to 15-20 episodes], lethargy, and pale/ashen grey appearance within 1-3 hours after food ingestion. Child may feel cool to touch and have low core body temperature. In some children, especially with severe vomiting, diarrhea with blood and mucous may follow, starting within 2-5 hours. One in 5 children become hypotensive with low blood pressure and require admission to the hospital for emergency treatment. White blood count is usually elevated with left shift suggesting infection; frequently children undergo extensive testing to rule out sepsis [blood infection] and are treated with antibiotics. Because FPIES lacks classic allergic symptoms such as hives, itching, swelling, cough or wheezing, food allergy is not obvious and children undergo many diagnostic tests to exclude metabolic disorders, neurological or cardiac defects and gastrointestinal obstruction. Some children experience several acute episodes before food allergy is diagnosed, with the most common diagnosis of exclusion being viral gastroenteritis. Even when food allergy is suspected and allergy tests are done, negative results of skin prick test and serum food-specific IgE may lead to confusion. When food is eaten on a regular basis, as in the young infants fed with cow milk or soy-based infant formula, symptoms are chronic and include intermittent vomiting without clear association with food ingestion, bloody diarrhea, poor weight gain or weight loss, colic, and irritability. Laboratory tests show elevated white blood count, anemia, low albumin and protein. Children ultimately get very sick and are admitted to the hospital, intravenous fluids and antibiotics are given for presumed infection. Feedings are stopped for few days with resolution of symptoms on intravenous fluids. When feedings with cow milk or soy-based infant formula are re-started, symptoms of acute FPIES develop in 1-3 hours following feeding. So there is a transition between chronic and acute symptoms, depending on frequency and regularity of food intake.

How is FPIES treated?
As with all food allergies, strict avoidance of food in the diet is the mainstay of long-term therapy. Unlike in classic food allergy to cow milk and egg, where the majority (up to 75%) tolerate milk and egg in the baked products, children with cow milk and egg FPIES appear to react to baked forms of these foods. Most breastfed infants remain well and asymptomatic while the mother ingests foods that cause FPIES upon direct feeding, therefore avoidance of these foods in mother’s diet is not necessary. Very rarely symptoms develop to milk proteins in mother’s milk; if this happens mother’s diet has to be modified. If a child is formula-fed, hypoallergenic formulas are usually well tolerated; about 15% may need amino acid based formula. Since FPIES is not familiar to the majority of the Emergency Department physicians, we provide families with an emergency letter that describes symptoms and treatments of FPIES to avoid mismanagement. Epipnephrine autoinjectors and oral antihistamines are not routinely prescribed for patients with FPIES. Acute FPIES is an emergency and families are instructed to call 911 or go to the Emergency Department for treatment. In mild cases, oral rehydration may be successful. Most reactions may require intravenous fluids for speedy recovery. In more severe reactions, a single dose of a steroid is usually given via an intravenous line. Epinephrine, antihistamines, and inhaled asthma medications are not helpful for symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea. However, if blood pressure is very low, epinephrine may be used to bring the blood pressure up in the emergency setting.

Can FPIES be outgrown?
Of course, most children outgrow FPIES. The timing of outgrowing seems to depend on the severity of FPIES. In milder cases, the majority, over 90% of children outgrow FPIES by age 3 years. In more severe FPIES to multiple foods, about one third of children outgrow FPIES by age 3.

What type of Specialist can diagnose FPIES?
Given the atypical, mostly gastrointestinal symptoms, many infants and children with FPIES are being referred to pediatric gastroenterologists. However, the allergists are most familiar with FPIES manifestations and are most likely to make a correct diagnosis without a delay and to provide a diagnostic oral food challenge, if needed. There seems to be a lot of confusion about FPIES, with many children with chronic diarrhea being labeled as FPIES. Many of these children with presumed FPIES remain symptomatic despite a growing list of eliminated foods and are not likely to have FPIES. In such cases, oral food challenges are necessary to confirm or exclude FPIES; absence of acute FPIES symptoms during food challenge excludes FPIES and alternative diagnosis have to be investigated. Oral food challenges are not necessary if infants or young children experiences several acute episodes in the past 6-12 months and their symptoms resolve when the offending food is avoided in the diet.

Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Jaffe Food Allergy Institute
Tel.:  212-241-5548
Dr. Nowak is a clinician and clinical researcher at the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute. Her clinical research interests, funded by in part by the National Institutes of Health and Food Allergy Initiative, include: egg and milk allergy, food-induced anaphylaxis treatment and risk factors, diagnostic issues in food allergy, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome and pollen-food allergy syndrome (oral allergy).  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Allergy Humor

Food allergies are no laughing matter.
Allergen statements on food packages can be life saving but
this one is just down right silly:
Packaged hard boiled eggs with an allergen statement declaring eggs in the ingredients.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pareve Cheese


Non-dairy cheese is really an amazing concept!!!
For milk allergies it's great because it provides an option that can be very similar to the real thing.
It's great for kosher consumers who want a rich dairy taste to go along with their meat meal. Ever go to a Kosher Subway, they know all about it! These cheeses are also a great alternative for people who are Cholov Yisrael.Vegan Cheeses have really come a long way doing a great job of mimicking "the real deal".Some non-dairy cheeses even have that "stretchy", "melty" quality. Faux can be Fabulous!
Daiya is a great choice for a soyfree vegan cheese. It's pareve (OU) and and melts really well. Teese  (CRC certified) melts well but isn't soyfree.
New to vegan cheeses? Try these tips for best results:
Spice it Up-  Zesty Italian seasoning, basil, garlic, oregano, you get the idea
Get Saucy -Use a flavorful tomato sauce
Go Crazy with Veggies- Sun dried tomatoes, mushrooms, zucchini, onions, jalapenos
Serve it Hot- Baked and gooey, you know what I mean
Skimp- Go skimpy on the cheese, a little goes a long way- get the texture but don't overdo it

As always read labels: not all cheeses are truly dairy free and some are soybased (a problem for the soy allergic)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Formula Feeding Allergic Babies

Here's the scoop on the different types of baby formulas:
Cow's milk formulas- most common type of formula
Soy-based formulas- sometimes used for milk allergic or intolerant babies (when not allergic to soy)
Protein hydrolysate formulas- formulas that have broken down the protein for babies who can't tolerate the proteins in cow's milk or soy-based formulas. This can be an option for some food allergic babies
Amino Acid based formulas- made up of free amino acids rather than whole or broken down proteins. This is a great option for severely food allergic babies as well as a variety of disorders such as short bowel syndrome, and eosinophillic disorders.

There are a variety of ways to provide your food allergic baby with nutrition. Whether breastfeeding, supplementing with formula, or exclusively formula feeding your baby; all can be good choices.
A healthy,thriving, comfortable baby is the goal!

for more info checkout this article

*kosher certification issues with special formula
read this kosherfoodallergies "ask the Rabbi" article

*Your Pediatrician is the best person to speak to determine which formula is right for your baby. Sometimes a Pediatric GI specialist or Allergist can be extremely helpful as well.