
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Food Free Goody Bags

A Kosher With Food Allergies reader asked a great question, " why do school birthday parties have to have food"?Why couldn't there be lots of fun activities and games and skip the snack part? It's an interesting question. While it's a great idea, I just don't think parents will latch on to it so quickly. I propose food free goody bags! Even parents of non-allergic kids could appreciate this. Many parents are healthconscious and don't want their child to come home with a bag of candy, cookies, or chips. Other parents have concerns about kashrut. What can you put in a goody bag that's not food? Some suggestions...

1-small box of crayons
2-silly putty
3-toy car
4-wind up toy
5-plastic sunglasses
7-sidewalk chalk
9-baseball cards
10-bouncy ball

* depending on the children's ages you'll want to be careful about toys that pose choking hazards


  1. Love this idea! Especially since my son just came home the other day with a huge bag of candy from a birthday party. I would have much preferred a bag with the above items!

  2. I hear you Caryn. Unless you're a Dentist, I don't think too many parents appreciate their child coming home with huge bag of candy.

  3. Another idea is to buy each child a puzzle from the dollar store. This will get more purposeful use than a typical "prize box" item.

  4. Great idea. A toy that doesn't break the first time your child touches it is certainly a plus.
    Let's see if we can find toys that last longer than the candy would have. Shouldn't be too hard....
