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  1. Tamar,

    I will gladly add you to my blogroll. What a great resource you are providing for those who need to be vigilant about what they eat! Best of luck and be in touch.

  2. Tamar, Your site illuminates much needed and valuable info for those who need to be vigilant about what they eat. What a great service you are providing ! I will gladly add your link to my blogroll so others can find you. Best of luck! Liz

  3. Tamar I am so impressed with all that you have accomplished over the years while thank G-d raising a large family!

    All the power to you & keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks Batya for your beautiful words of support. Amen to your bracha.

  4. Hi Tamar,

    Thanks for letting me know about this site. I have children who are lactose intolerant and my oldest has multiple allergies and medical limitations on what he can eat. It's not easy and thanks for giving me another resource.

    1. You're very welcome. Be sure to check out the milk page of this site for suggestions for avoiding dairy as well as wonderful substitutes. All The Best-Tamar

  5. I'm so happy I came across your blog! My (Protestant), allergic, eosinophilic esophagitic (is that an adjective?) so goes to the local JCC for early childhood education, in part because they are very on top of his IgE allergies (all mammals, dairy, tomato, soy); anaphylactic to dairy), and cognizant of the fact that he can only eat apples, bananas, avocados, and drink NeoCate. My question....I asked the director of Early Childhood to "ban" parents from bringing in birthday treats for their kiddos, and instead bring stickers, crayons, etc, she balked. (There are 7 allergic kids (of varying degrees) out of 16 in the class. SHE told me that because the parents can't bring anything that's not Kosher into the school, and ticks parents off, she can't ask parents to NOT bring food into classrooms. Thoughts? Again, I am not Jewish, so I don't know. But from an allergy and obesity standpoint....wouldn't it make sense to ban food? UUUGH. Food allergies are so annoying. (so is eosinophilic esophagitis, for that matter). Again, thanks for starting this!

  6. Thanks for your question that speaks to all of us sending food allergic kids to school. The heart of the issue is the balance between the medical needs of the child and the inconvenience to other parents. I'm only guessing that food free birthday parties might be too radical a notion for many parents. Having a nutfree classroom might be more within bounds though.

  7. You have a good start. Now I REALLY need a good recipe for a moist tender round challah for the gluten free. Spelt has gluten. If I could put raisins or chopped dates in it, even better!

    1. Glutenfreecanteen has a great recipe for gluten free challah
      Shanah Tova Ellen

  8. Just found your site and love it! Great resources and easy to navigate! Thx!

  9. So glad you find the format and resources helpful. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
    I appreciate it!

  10. Much hatzlacha to you, Tamar, on your efforts to help and assist the allergic kosher consumer. Your encouragement will be invaluable to many moms and dads who face the day to day challenges of feeding their allergic child(ren). As an allergist, I endorse your efforts 100%.

    Hatzlacha and bracha to you!

    Robert Cohen, M.D., FAAAI

    1. Thanks Dr. Cohen for your words of encouragement.
      Much success in your medical efforts towards successful allergy management!

