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Jews and Food  
Food is a big part of Jewish culture. We eat to celebrate life cycle events like a bris, kiddush, bar/bas mitzvah, or wedding. We eat to celebrate Shabbos and Yom Tov. In short, food is everywhere in our lives. In moderation, it truly elevates these special occasions.

Jews and Food Allergies
An individual with food allergies can feel a bit isolated when they can't partake in these events. To make matters worse,  the selection of allowable foods (already limited by kashruth requirements) becomes even more limited. Finding kosher, non allergenic, budget friendly meals poses an additional challenge.

My Mission:
My mission is to provide the kosher keeping food allergic consumer with a broader range of options.
It is my hope that by connecting you to resources the challenges can seem just a bit more manageable

Our Food Allergy Story

Read about it here

About Me:
I'm a licensed and certified speech pathologist and a certifiably crazy mother of 10.
I've been drafted into the War on Food Allergies (my kids enlisted me).  My arsenal of
allergy weapons is at your disposal.

The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician. Tamar Warga,, disclaims any responsibility for any adverse effects resulting from the information presented on this website. The information enclosed is not designed to take the place of a doctor's instructions. Patients are urged to contact a doctor for specific information regarding guidelines for care.

Monetization Disclosure:

I love writing this blog and bringing meaningful content to you. Hopefully, you're benefiting from my efforts. I monetize this blog in order to (ever so slightly) offset the cost of those efforts, mainly my time. You may have noticed the paid advertisements in my sidebar. This blog utilizes Google Adsense (targeted ads based on content and comments) and Google Affiliates Network.  While I don't have full autonomy over the ads I can filter what types of ads I allow.  Please let me know  if any of these ads ever have inappropriate content. In addition, this site is affiliated with Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and Other affiliate programs are used as well from time to time. I also do sponsored post occasionally and clearly state when I do so.

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